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Sunday, February 24, 2008

a visitor

i had a visitor this weekend. cousin harley stayed here over night on saturday while lee and stacie went to jackson. man, i don't know if that dog ever sleeps! we just wrestled and played the whole time! mom and dad got tired of all the craziness and took me to petsmart for a little while just to give harley some time to relax (although we heard from the neighbor that he barked the whole 2 hours we were gone!) i was the hit of the store (it's my stunning good looks) and i even got some new treats that taste awesome--like blueberries! even my mom and dad think they smell good!

tug of war

1-2-3 pin!

harley taught me how to get mom and dad to let me outside!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i bet you're been wondering what i've been up to lately! well, i LOVE to bite everything. mom keeps telling me i'm going to fail puppy kindergarten (i start in march!) i have put on a few pounds in the last week and a half. when i got here i weighed 5 1/2 lbs and now i weigh 8 1/2 lbs!

i got a new toy lobster that i love to wrestle with. he wears me out thought!

mom finally got eddy and i playing on video... we've been playing a lot lately!

well, dad is off working in the cities all week, so it's just mom and me. lucky me, she comes home every day at lunch to let me outside to do my business! i've even been on a few walks around the block, but not every day because it is SO cold!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

my first weekend vacation

this weekend i went with mom and dad to trevor's lake for a relaxing getaway. i was such a good puppy-not one accident! i was pretty much the hit of the party too-i think it is my good looks! i met some friends and had a great time!
i won't fit into places like this for long!

i make my dad proud!

my new buddy elvis

my new buddy taylor

Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy v day!

the v is for valentine's and vet! well, i survived my first trip to the vet today! eddy and i tried to go together in the kennel, but that only lasted a few minutes. i guess he just didn't like me licking him to death!

we got to the vet, and of course i charmed all the workers. eddy wasn't so excited though. he scratched the vet tech in the face! i guess he didn't want to hear about his dirty ears. i got a clean bill of health and barely noticed the two shots i got. my stinky breath is normal because i guess that's just how puppies are. i'll have to keep breathing in mom & dad's face because they seem to get all worked up about it! :)

i really love to eat!!

mom and i took a nap today because i don't let them get too much sleep at night! i really like to nuzzle my nose into cozy places!

i've been extra bitey today and mom says i bite HARD! whenever i bite they just shove a toy in my mouth and i guess i like that better anyway. right now mom's holding me as i write and boy does this laptop taste good! well, she's making me get down now. bye!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

meeting harley

tonight i met my cousin harley. we had a great time playing together!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


i've been starting to use my barker a little more often, especially when eddy and i are playing. i'm a good growler, too, and one of my favorite things is to play tug of war with my mom. she says i'm a tough guy.

today i tried staying in my kennel when mom and dad were at work. mom heard from her friend kathi that this is how i'm supposed to learn all about not going potty in the house (she came to visit me today, too!). let me tell you, i get so sad when my mom leaves for work. plus, my dad left for garrison at 2:30 this morning! i was comfortably hogging the bed curled up next to mom.

mom told me that she made eddy and me appointments with the vet for thursday! i hope it's not too scary!

i got another bath today because mom said i had a sticky belly. i guess i couldn't hide the accident i had in the kennel from her after all!

oh we had an adventure outside today. i was outside doing my business, and when mom was letting me back in, eddy got out! of course i chased after him! mom was talking on the phone to uncle lee, and when she saw us take off she accidentally dropped her phone in the snow bank! oops! well she caught me right away cuz i'm a little clumsy still, but it took eddy a few minutes to realize that it was darn cold outside! rest assured, we're all safe and sound now.

Monday, February 11, 2008

my first day at home

well, i am getting quite used to my new home. i wasn't so happy about sleeping in my kennel last night, so dad let me cuddle up right next to him. he and mom didn't get a lot of sleep the first night because they just weren't sure about my potty schedule. i'd say i'm doing pretty good in that department. i have only had a few accidents, but i'm getting used to doing my business outside--plus i get a treat every time i do!

i've been told i'm a calm boy. i can play with the best of 'em, but as soon as mom or dad pick me up, i'm a snuggler. i especially like to nuzzle my nose in their necks.

my mom and dad, the hard working people that they are, had to go to work today, so i stayed home in the basement bathroom. i was NOT happy when mom left, and i got the hiccups i cried so hard. but, both mom and dad came back a few times during the day to visit me and let me outside to go potty. plus eddy was there to keep me company.

speaking of eddy, one of my favorite things is to chase him around the house. we play tag, and i'm almost always "it". i got so excited chasing him once that i fell right down the stairs face first. it didn't hurt, but i guess i'll have to practice going down one step at a time.

by the way, the food they feed that cat is delectable! i might have to talk those new parents of mine into getting me some of that canned dog food!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


hey... i'm baxter and this is my blog!

i am a 7 week old golden retriever and a very busy boy. i just met my new "people parents" today. they came and picked me up in park rapids. they told me that they couldn't resist me because i came right up to them and nibbled on their shoes. i was sad to leave my family, but i think i'll love my new home!

my new mom and dad told me they thought long and hard about what to name me, but it came to them when they saw the street sign by my house--eddie baxter road! i should mention, i am getting along just great with my new brother-cat eddy. we have even wrestled a few times. we'll become good pals in no time.

when i got to my new home, i met some of my other relatives--auntie jami and cousin collin. collin thought my name should be max or puppy, but i guess he didn't know my new parents already named me the perfect name! after we got settled, my new mom and dad gave me a bath right away. they kept saying that i was a poop eater and my breath was smelly! well the bath and some nummy mint breath strips cleared that up for the most part. i didn't mind the bath, but it was so cold when i got out that i shivered! good thing i move fast so i dry off fast!