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Sunday, February 10, 2008


hey... i'm baxter and this is my blog!

i am a 7 week old golden retriever and a very busy boy. i just met my new "people parents" today. they came and picked me up in park rapids. they told me that they couldn't resist me because i came right up to them and nibbled on their shoes. i was sad to leave my family, but i think i'll love my new home!

my new mom and dad told me they thought long and hard about what to name me, but it came to them when they saw the street sign by my house--eddie baxter road! i should mention, i am getting along just great with my new brother-cat eddy. we have even wrestled a few times. we'll become good pals in no time.

when i got to my new home, i met some of my other relatives--auntie jami and cousin collin. collin thought my name should be max or puppy, but i guess he didn't know my new parents already named me the perfect name! after we got settled, my new mom and dad gave me a bath right away. they kept saying that i was a poop eater and my breath was smelly! well the bath and some nummy mint breath strips cleared that up for the most part. i didn't mind the bath, but it was so cold when i got out that i shivered! good thing i move fast so i dry off fast!

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