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Monday, February 11, 2008

my first day at home

well, i am getting quite used to my new home. i wasn't so happy about sleeping in my kennel last night, so dad let me cuddle up right next to him. he and mom didn't get a lot of sleep the first night because they just weren't sure about my potty schedule. i'd say i'm doing pretty good in that department. i have only had a few accidents, but i'm getting used to doing my business outside--plus i get a treat every time i do!

i've been told i'm a calm boy. i can play with the best of 'em, but as soon as mom or dad pick me up, i'm a snuggler. i especially like to nuzzle my nose in their necks.

my mom and dad, the hard working people that they are, had to go to work today, so i stayed home in the basement bathroom. i was NOT happy when mom left, and i got the hiccups i cried so hard. but, both mom and dad came back a few times during the day to visit me and let me outside to go potty. plus eddy was there to keep me company.

speaking of eddy, one of my favorite things is to chase him around the house. we play tag, and i'm almost always "it". i got so excited chasing him once that i fell right down the stairs face first. it didn't hurt, but i guess i'll have to practice going down one step at a time.

by the way, the food they feed that cat is delectable! i might have to talk those new parents of mine into getting me some of that canned dog food!

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