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Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy v day!

the v is for valentine's and vet! well, i survived my first trip to the vet today! eddy and i tried to go together in the kennel, but that only lasted a few minutes. i guess he just didn't like me licking him to death!

we got to the vet, and of course i charmed all the workers. eddy wasn't so excited though. he scratched the vet tech in the face! i guess he didn't want to hear about his dirty ears. i got a clean bill of health and barely noticed the two shots i got. my stinky breath is normal because i guess that's just how puppies are. i'll have to keep breathing in mom & dad's face because they seem to get all worked up about it! :)

i really love to eat!!

mom and i took a nap today because i don't let them get too much sleep at night! i really like to nuzzle my nose into cozy places!

i've been extra bitey today and mom says i bite HARD! whenever i bite they just shove a toy in my mouth and i guess i like that better anyway. right now mom's holding me as i write and boy does this laptop taste good! well, she's making me get down now. bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is adorable!!!! I am so very excited to meet my new nephew!!! Ethan says I love his face I'm so excited to meet my new cousin!!! Congrats to the new parents!!!
Love Auntie Christa and cousin EE